Dental emergencies can happen at any time, causing a great deal of discomfort and stress. Often, it is not very easy to determine what constitutes as a dental emergency and what can wait for an appointment. As a result, many often delay care, causing the problem to intensify. When left untreated, a dental emergency will require more extensive treatments. However, with fast action, your emergency dentist can repair the damage, saving the health and function of a tooth using as minimally invasive of treatment as possible. As your emergency dentist in Holbrook, Sunrise Dental Service is here for you during an emergency. We treat a wide range of dental emergencies to stop the pain while making you feel at ease.
Knocked Out Tooth
A knocked out tooth is a very frightening experience; however, with the right care, we may be able to reinsert your tooth, allowing it to be saved. If you have had a tooth knocked out, do not panic. Hold the tooth by the crown and rinse the tooth with water. Do not scrub the tooth, use any cleaners, or dry the tooth. If you can, reinsert the tooth back into the socket. If you are unsuccessful, place the tooth in a cup of milk while you head to our office.
Dislodged Tooth
When trauma to the face occurs, a tooth can become dislodged but not fully knocked out. If your tooth has been moved out of position, rinse your mouth with water. Gently try to move your tooth back into its correct position but do not force it if it does not move easily. If you were successful, bite on a piece of gauze to prevent the tooth from moving.
Abscessed Tooth
An abscessed tooth is a tooth that has become infected. The infection often causes the tooth to become very painful. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other teeth and even into the bloodstream. If you have a severe toothache, your tooth may be abscessed. You will need to contact our office right away for treatment.
Broken Tooth
A broken tooth can be quite painful, but we are often able to repair the tooth, saving it from extraction. If your tooth has broken, rinse your mouth with water. Then, apply cold compresses to the outside of the mouth and use over-the-counter anti-inflammatories to help with the discomfort. Avoid biting or placing pressure on the tooth until it has been repaired. If the break was minor, such as a small chip, you can wait until the next day for an appointment. If the break was severe, you will need to call our office right away.
Your Dentist for Emergency Care
If you are facing a dental emergency in Holbrook, you need a caring and trusted dentist by your side. Sunrise Dental Service is here for you during dental emergencies. We will help put your mind at ease as we restore your oral health with personalized services. Contact Sunrise Dental Care today for emergency dental services.