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Can Cosmetic Dentistry Boost Your Career?

July 15, 2022

Confident businesswoman, smiling after cosmetic dental treatments

An appealing personality, a good work ethic, and a solid education are all frequently regarded as important elements for career success — and rightly so. However, even if you have those things in abundance, you may still be looking to get an additional edge in your career. You can accomplish that with the help cosmetic dental treatments. Let’s talk more about the power of beautiful teeth and the role they can play in boosting your career success.

The Halo Effect

About a hundred years ago, a researcher by the name of Edward Thorndike came up with the phrase “halo effect” to describe an aspect of how humans perceive each other. He noted that when others notice one attractive quality about a person, they are likely to automatically assign other desirable attributes to that individual — even if they just met.

Attractive teeth can allow you to harness the power of the halo effect in your career. Whether you are attending job interviews, meeting new clients, or strengthening bonds with your coworkers, the people you interact with are likely to see your beautiful smile and instantly feel drawn to you. This can help you stand out from the crowd and give you an advantage over other candidates.

Other Ways a Smile Can Help You

Beyond the halo effect, there are other ways in which an attractive smile can influence your career:

  • People with straight, white teeth are often seen as being more successful and approachable than those with unattractive smiles.
  • A beautiful smile may boost your confidence, which in turn can empower you to go after a promotion or take other worthwhile risks in your career.
  • Smiles are contagious. When you have a genuine, confident smile, your coworkers are likely to catch your attitude, resulting in a more energized and productive workplace.

Achieving a Career-Ready Smile

If your smile is not quite what you would like it to be, a cosmetic dentist can help. Here are some popular treatments that can enhance the appearance of your teeth:

  • Teeth whitening. This fast and relatively affordable treatment can get rid of even deep-set stains.
  • Veneers. These thin pieces of porcelain can reshape the teeth, disguising cracks, chips, and more.
  • Gum recontouring. This changes the shape of the gumline, which can make the teeth appear longer and result in a more proportionate smile.
  • Metal-free restorations. Do you have old metal crowns, bridges, or fillings? Replacing them with more natural-looking alternatives can do much to help you look younger and more attractive.

Cosmetic dentistry can do so much more than make your teeth look better. It has the potential to propel you forward in your career! Why not talk to your local cosmetic dentist to find out how they can make your smile shine?

Meet Dr. Makadia

Dr. Makadia is a general and cosmetic dentist with more than 30 years of experience in his field. He proudly offers a range of treatments, including teeth whitening, veneers, gum recontouring, and more. If you would like to consult with him to discover how cosmetic services may be able to benefit you, contact our office at 631-405-4390.