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Sunrise Dental Service Blog

Should Adults Get Dental Sealants?

September 4, 2020

Image of dental sealant from dentist. Your teeth are comprised of three layers. The hard-outer layer you see is called your enamel, which protects the underlying dentin and pulp. Every day, your teeth are exposed to harmful bacteria that can erode your enamel, leading to a cavity. Although dental caries can be prevented, at least 92% of adults have had a cavity in a permanent tooth. If you’re prone to decay or you have weakened enamel, you can benefit from a protective barrier using dental sealants. While your dentist often recommends them for children, you’re never too old to benefit from their protection.


Don’t Forget to Visit Your Dentist

September 1, 2020

Woman at dentist for preventive dentistry.As we head into fall, the year is quickly coming to an end. If you haven’t maximized your dental insurance, you’re running out of time. As we approach the holiday season, your schedule is going to be busy, making it difficult to use any remaining benefits before they expire. Don’t worry, your dentist can help. Worried about a large bill? There’s no reason to be concerned. You can invest in a healthy smile without breaking the bank using your dental insurance policy.


How Does a CBCT Scan Improve the Dental Implant Process?

August 4, 2020

3D image of jaw for dental implants.If you’re missing 1 or more teeth, you can enjoy a nearly perfect replica of your natural smile using dental implants. They are unlike any other treatment because they recreate the entire structure of a tooth from the root up. This allows them to closely look and feel real while also having the potential to last for decades with the right care. The foundation for their long-term success starts long before you undergo your placement surgery. Your dentist uses a CBCT scan to create the groundwork for your dental implants. This revolutionary piece of technology is influential to the success of your new smile.


Your Oral Health and Immune System

July 14, 2020

Man with a strong immune system holding a healthy smile. You might believe your oral and immune health are separate from one another, but they are intertwined. In fact, there is a direct connection between the health of your smile and your overall wellness. Not only does your dental health support your immune system but also vice versa. Thankfully, you can give your immune system a boost and maintain a bright smile by keeping a few tips in mind.


Is Laser Dentistry Expensive?

July 4, 2020

Woman at dentist for laser dentistry treatment.Constantly emerging technological innovations change every aspect of your dental care. Among one of the many advancements includes laser dentistry because it offers pinpoint accuracy and less invasive treatments. In fact, a laser can often remove the need for a scalpel and sutures during many dental procedures, but is it affordable? Yes! You can benefit from state-of-the-art technology without breaking the bank.


5 COVID-19 Concerns of At-Risk Patients

June 27, 2020

Older woman smiling after appointment with dentist.Although there’s much to learn about COVID-19, we know patients who have pre-existing conditions are at a higher risk of potentially deadly complications if they contract the virus. If you’re among those who have underlying medical issues, you can’t stay inside forever. You’re going to need to see your dentist regularly if you want to maintain a healthy smile. There’s no need to worry. We have the answers to 5 common concerns of at-risk patients.


Why Do I Need a Mouthrinse Before My Appointment?

June 18, 2020

Oral care products at dentist. You’ve experienced several changes to life as you’ve known it since the COVID-19 pandemic. Wearing face masks and spending more time at home aren’t the only differences. You’ll also notice several changes when it’s time to visit your dentist again, like using a mouthrinse before your appointment. Your dentist asks you to use it for another reason other than just minty fresh breath. Here’s why your dentist has implemented a special rinse into their safety protocols to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.


When Is the Last Time You Replaced Your Toothbrush?

May 28, 2020

Toothbrush and toothbrush on counter at dentist.Your teeth are designed to last forever if you take the time to commit to your oral health. The foundation for a healthy smile starts at home with the help of your toothbrush. It’s your first line of defense against common preventable issues, like tooth decay and gum disease, which means it’s going to get used a lot. Over time, it’s not going to be as effective. You can ensure your smile stays healthy in between appointments with your dentist by changing your toothbrush regularly. Here’s how to make the most of your brushing routine.


We’re Keeping Our Hands Clean to Combat COVID-19

Dentist following safety protocols for COVID-19.To fight the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all taking extra precautions to prevent transmitting the virus. As state restrictions are starting to lift and you’re able to resume more of your normal life, a trip to your dentist may be at the top of your priority list; however, we know there are still concerns about the coronavirus. Our team at Sunrise Dental Service is committed to the safety of our staff and patients. We’ll do more than just wash our hands and wear gloves. We’re going the extra mile using the latest Personal Hygiene Standards to combat COVID-19 while providing the high-quality dentistry you need.


Laser Dentistry: Conservative Treatment with Outstanding Results

April 30, 2020

Dentist preparing to perform laser dentistry in Bohemia

One of the hallmarks of a good dentist is that they invest in advanced technology. Using the latest tools in the field enables them to provide top-quality care to patients that is as efficient, comfortable, and effective as possible. One remarkable piece of technology that some practices have adopted is the Fotona Laser system. In this post, you will learn more about how dentists use lasers to protect and enhance patients’ smiles.
