Laser technology is ideal for soft tissue treatments. Unlike traditional surgical procedures that require scalpels and sutures, laser-assisted oral surgery from our Bohemia, NY dentist are far less invasive. Laser technology allows soft tissue procedures to be performed painlessly and with extreme precision to make sure the surrounding healthy tissues are unharmed.
A frenum is a piece of soft tissue that connects the lips and gums. If the frenum is too short or too tight, it can interfere with your oral health and cause you to be lip or tongue tied. Untreated the frenum can cause issues such as:
Dr. Makadia will first apply a topical anesthetic to ensure the area is numb to any discomfort during the procedure. Once the numbing effect has set in, Dr. Makadia will snip the frenum using the laser technology. The entire procedure usually takes 15 minutes or less!
Do you feel an infection growing under your gums over an unexposed or partially exposed tooth? Does it feel like food is getting stuck, and your gums are sore near your wisdom tooth? You might need an Operculectomy. An Operculectomy is a minor surgical procedure where the affected soft tissue/ the flap of gum over the tooth (in most cases the wisdom tooth) is removed using a laser machine. Since Dr. Makadia uses advanced laser technology to perform an operculectomy, there is no need for cutting and suturing the area. This prevents further build-up of debris, plaque, and subsequent inflammation. With this treatment, your infection will be painlessly removed, and your oral health restored!