Do you have gum issues, and have heard how painful and invasive gum surgery can be? We have good news for you. At Sunrise Dental Service, we treat gum disease with advanced laser technology. In the past, treatment required a painful procedure involving cutting the gums open with a scalpel to remove infection and suturing them together later on. Now, you can enjoy a less invasive and more effective laser gum treatment. Although it is preventable, at least 50% of adults have a form of gum disease in America. The infection develops from bacteria found in plaque and tartar accumulations in the gum tissue. You can stop the damaging complications by receiving laser gum (periodontal) surgery in Bohemia, NY right away.
Traditional Surgery required the dentist to use dental instruments, cut open the flaps, clean the gingival pockets to remove tartar, smoothen roots of your teeth for reattachment and bacteria and suture the flaps. Although the treatment was somewhat effective, it was painful, and it needed to be repeated several times.
Now, you can enjoy a simple solution with the Nd: YAG Laser A highly concentrated beam of light energy targets infected tissues. The procedure includes gently numbing the area, removing tartar and passing beams of laser to penetrate through your gums. It kills bacteria in the contaminated areas while leaving healthy tissue untouched. Research has shown that it can kill as much as 99.9% of bacteria.
The light beam also sterilizes as it cuts, reducing the risk of infection after the treatment. It also cauterizes to minimize bleeding while you recover.
Besides killing the bacteria and the infection, the laser stimulates stem cells within the tissue. This allows it to form new connective tissues, collagen, and bone. This enhances the healing process by allowing your body to naturally regenerate lost ligaments and bone that surround your teeth. In addition, it encourages your gum tissue to reattach to your teeth to protect against future infection.
Dr. Makadia embraces the latest innovations in dentistry to treat gum disease. He uses laser gum surgery as an alternative to the traditional treatment to restore the health of your smile. With the Nd: YAG laser, you will enjoy:
If you have gum disease, you can enjoy the latest advancements in dentistry to save your smile. Contact our dental office today to see if you are a candidate for laser gum surgery.